How to turn on and use iphone6 low battery mode

1. First, we find the settings in the main screen, click to enter
2. Then pull the slider and find the battery below to enter
3. Enter the battery, we see the lowest low battery mode, then open the button, you can see the battery mark on the top turns yellow, this is the low battery mode open flag
4. Of course, closing is also very simple, you can close it directly from the button.
5. Low battery mode will stop some special effects of the screen, stop software update, send and receive mail and refresh the background program, so everyone should use it with caution. However, the sending and receiving of WeChat messages is not affected.
6. Below we can see the most used APPs, if you are free, you can increase or decrease as appropriate.
7. Pull to the bottom and see the maximum time that you can stand by in the battery mode. You can decide the time of your phone based on this data after charging.
8. Of course, in low battery mode, the lock screen time will become 30 seconds and cannot be changed.